

After Alcohol Use Disorder, Anxiety is the most common issue Americans face in their search for mental health therapy. Research shows that overwhelmingly, the Covid Pandemic increased many people’s anxiety much more than any other mental health issue. I start by helping you explore the biological roots of anxiety based on evolution theory. Let me ask you a simple question: who was more likely to survive prehistoric times 1. an anxious cave person OR 2. A carefree cave person? The big difference is that cave people were constantly at risk of terrible deaths from things such as saber tooth tigers.

In today’s world, we are not likely to face terrible deaths on a daily basis (unless you drive Division St or Sprague as part of your commute), but it sure feels like it. We will explore the world at large which is often one with overstimulation, economic stresses, and unhealthy expectations. I use modalities such CBT and Solution Focused Therapy to help you to destress and examine your assumptions. I also teach anxiety reduction strategies and lifestyle considerations. I provide a lot of empathy for the anxiety you are experiencing. Let’s find a way to greatly reduce those feelings.  

Couples Counseling

The very basics of healthy romantic partnership are consent and safety. I am warm, supportive, and open-minded towards any relationship that meets these two things. Is the relationship something people want to be in and are people safe? 

From there, I build my couples work on evidence-based experience I received from weekly consultations on systems theory for over a year. A “system” is just a fancy psychology term for saying more than one person. While a PhD student, I engaged in extensive research into how to help couples repair broken systems. I am informed by both Gottman and EFT principles, but I am not limited by one theory. I have been trained in Solution Focused Therapy for couples, and I incorporate that into my work as well.


Let me start with the obvious: depression sucks. I am deeply sorry if you are experiencing this right now. It can get better. I have a fairly high success rate helping people on their journey out of depression. However, talk therapy does not work always. If we are not making progress, then I can help you find other options. Sometimes a different therapist is better for you.

What I provide is talk therapy using evidence-based techniques for depression treatment involving (but not limited to) CBT, Mindfulness, and Existentialism. I have researched greatly the causes and the treatments for depression. I want you to find ways to experience more positive feelings in life. From several media sources to unrealistic social expectations, we can often feel like we are missing out and lesser than. We can find a way to view ourselves as capable, loveable, and happier people.  

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy EMDR

Does it work for processing bad memories and traumas? Study after study show that it can be effective or highly effective for up to 88% of people. How does it work? Using visual stimulus, taping, or handheld buzzers we carefully discover painful memories in your past and process them through simple inquiry questions. 

While EMDR is primarily known for work with trauma, there is very strong evidence that it can help with Anxiety and Depression as well as other issues. It can also be helpful with other mental health issues. If someone has suggested you try EMDR, then we can discuss if this unique form of therapy is right for you. 

I will admit that I was a formerly skeptical. You might be very surprised be this unique and relatively fast acting therapy intervention. As one colleague told me “its like magic.” That statement is definitely hyperbole, but it is pretty cool. 

Ethical Practice With an Emphasis on Privacy and Choice

With a few legal exceptions which are clearly discussed in our first session when we meet, I provide a very private place to discuss your life, and I do not tell you what you must do. I take very seriously your needs for confidentiality and abide by legal requirements and ethical codes that take privacy very seriously. This is not taken lightly, and I think you will appreciate feeling safe about opening up to me.
Other ethical issues that are central to my practice are freedom to choose and consent. I am not going to try to talk you into things you do not want to do with a few extreme exceptions. You are free to do what you want. I can be wrong frequently (just ask my wife.) We will work together to find a treatment course that you agree to and feel good about. 

Family Issues

Issues with our families can be very destructive and intrusive upon our mental health. I am trained in doing deep relational dives into your family history. The goal here is to better understand the family system and cultural background you are currently in or the one you grew up in. 

Sometimes great personal benefit can come from better understanding your familial dynamics. I can not necessarily promise less awkward family holiday celebrations, but we can at least analyze what is going on. Often there are traumas, cognitive misunderstandings, and instances of abuse that may be impacting you today. We can work together to discover new ways of relating with your family that you will be comfortable with. 

Healthy Living

It is a myth that there is a difference between mental health and physical health. Taking care of yourself physically will help you mentally and vice versa. This is in no way suggesting that if you have a chronic illness or terminal illness that your hopes of mental health are lost. That is a different situation. 

What I am not is a MD or your primary care health provider. What I am is someone to talk about ways that work for you to overtime to take better care of things such as eating habits (I am not an eating disorder specialist). 

  • We can discuss your desire to cut back alcohol and drugs of abuse (But I am not a Substance Abuse Counselor—I can help you find one if needed.) 
  • If you want to try and improve your sleep, then we can work on that (But I am not a sleep doctor.)
  • I am also not a physical trainer, but I can help you find ways to motivate yourself to get more active. 

WOW, I know I just told you a lot of things that I am not… I think it is important to know my limits as a talk therapist. I can help you improve your mental health by developing healthier habits in regards to your physical health. I will be a cheerleader for you trying to find healthier habits.


Sometimes the best way to deal with the overwhelming stress in life is to laugh about it. I encourage you to bring your sense of humor to therapy. I try to be funny as a therapist when appropriate, and sometimes it even works. I have been known to tell a joke or two.

Life Changes

Life Changes- Lost a job? Going back to school? Getting a divorce? Getting Married? Or just survived a world wide pandemic? 

Whatever changes you are going through, I have worked with hundreds of clients facing major changes and challenges. I am not going to tell you what to do or judge you if maybe you made some bad choices. I want to help you have less stress and find a better way of living that works for you. 

Parenting Issues

I spent three years exclusively doing parent therapy. I attended several trainings across the state to develop my parenting therapy skills. I also have worked professionally with children grades K-12. I have worked with children with Autism. 

Despite all this experience, I believe my experience as a parent of two children is much more relevant. I am totally going on a tangent, but I wonder about other professionals who claim to be parenting experts who have all the answers, but themselves have never actually been a parent. (I have met such professionals.) I operate in the real world with parenting, and it is hard -oh so very hard. 

Let’s talk about realistic ways to be better parents. There are no easy one size fits all solutions. I engage in a lot of self-discovery, psychoeducation, CBT, and Solution Focused Therapy in helping clients parent better on their terms. 

Pending Doom

Political climate have you worried? Stressed about global warming? Wondering if we are in late-stage capitalism? I have all these concerns, and I do not have any solutions to them. I am not a politician, scientist, or economist. I just know that these issues are on many people’s minds. I provide a safe place to explore and consider these issues with empathy. Often many of the concerns of pending doom can be processed using techniques such as CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, EMDR, and Existential discussions. I believe that we will find a way to weather the storm, and I would like to help you find hope too. 

Do You Want to Thrive in Life?

Seeking to thrive in life? Embrace purpose, fulfillment, and resilience in your journey.